...Take a math problem for example. The answer to any math problem lies within the problem itself. So you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself what am I doing that is causing my skin to react like this?...»
«...Eliminating stress is a great way to help stop acne in 1 day. If you have had a stressful day you may do things that make your skin worse. Some people get stressed and they touch there face a lot or even getting acne can cause more stress. Stress can cause you to eat junk food and you will have a lot of tension in your skin and face. If your a high stress type of person you should consider some meditation or at the very least positive affirmations. How we see ourselves in life has a lot to do with the diseases we get. Exercising and relaxation are also great for stopping acne and stress. Yoga can be very helpful as well....»
Full Text: munitionntbof.blogspot.com
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